How to homebrew hard cider
How to homebrew hard cider

how to homebrew hard cider

Please, don’t guess on this measurement! Fill the jug up the rest of the way with hot water and let sit for 5 min.


Next, fill the empty secondary jug half way up with hot water, and measure just under 1/4 oz Star-San solution ( $10 for 4oz on Amazon with free shipping) for your gallon jug. If you are worried about residue, rinse it out with a small amount of bottled or boiled water. Shake the jug gently to get all the excess water out. Then pour this cleaner solution into the first large mixing bowl. Fill the jug the rest of the way up with hot water, and let it sit for a few minutes. Mix according to the directions on the bag, and shake the jug up to dissolve. Then fill the jug half way up with hot water, and add your ‘no rinse’ cleaning solution (I like “ PBW” by Five Star). First, wash your empty 1-gallon glass secondary jug with clean hot water and soap, and rinse well. I recommend getting 2 very large mixing bowls out for this process. Clean and sterilize all of your equipment. Optional: An Auto-Siphon tool from the brew store ( really worth it if you have the $9 bucks to spare).Optional: A lock for the end of the tubing so that you can stop the flow without loosing suction.Again, I recommend clear glass over brown so that you can see the brew and the sediment. A second, clean sterile and empty glass jug (this is your ‘secondary’ jug) or clean sterile food grade plastic pail.Here is the equipment you will need for racking: Read through the whole procedure before you begin.

how to homebrew hard cider

Racking is a bit tricky the first few times you try it, and it is easy to make a mess! Secondary Fermentation for your hard cider, step by step: Don’t worry, you can let it keep fermenting in secondary, we just need to get the brew off the lees so that it does not impact the flavor. Some folks have written in wanting to leave it in primary longer, but I feel the risk of the dead yeast adding off flavors it too great. For those of you with a hydrometer, this step is done at 1.005 S.G. To get sparkling clear cider into your bottles, we need to leave the lees behind by moving the cider to a clean jug. This sediment is called “lees” and it is all of the fruit solids and bitter tasting dead yeast left over from fermentation. Either way, it is time to say goodbye to all of the sediment nasty that is in the bottom of your jug. At this point, your cider is either almost still (exhausted carb method) OR absolutely still (back-carb, or still cider methods). Now that you have made actual hard cider, it is time to ‘rack’ the cider into another jug for “secondary” fermentation.

How to homebrew hard cider