The 1975 albums chronological order
The 1975 albums chronological order

Doctrine of non-injury applies to all living beings. Six padārthas: dravya (substance), guna (quality), karman (motion), samanya (universal), visesa (particular), and samavaya (inherence). Song Dynasty stone sculpture of Laozi at the foot of Mount Qingyuan (960-1279). Works: Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) (attrib.) (c. This marble bust of Thales of Miletus, made during the Roman Empire, is now located at the Capitoline Museums in Rome.

the 1975 albums chronological order

Lives of Eminent Philosophers (by Diogenes Laërtius) (c. Works: Discussed by Herodotus and Aristotle. Water as arche (universal substance and originating principle of nature). Thales of Miletus (Ancient Greece, c. 624-546 BCE) (on 3 lists) Zoroaster (with globe) in detail from Raphael’s The School of Athens (1509). To see the same list organized by rank (that is, with the philosophers on the most lists at the top), go here. The list is the result of collating multiple lists made by other people. NOTE: These are not my personal opinions. For each philosopher, I have provided key philosophical schools, ideas and concepts, as well as a list of important books and articles.

the 1975 albums chronological order

Although most of the lists were heavily focused on Western philosophy of various sorts, I was also able to find lists of Eastern philosophers and some lists that included both Eastern and Western philosophy. The results are below: every philosopher on three or more of the original source lists, presented in chronological order by date of birth. I found more than 20 lists of the greatest philosophers and combined them into a single meta-list.

The 1975 albums chronological order